Exposing Self.

 I strip these clothes to expose me whole.

I want you to see all of me 

I am not afraid to admit I’m afraid but

I am not afraid to face my fears 

i strip these clothes to show you me.

me, the most vulnerable me, my true self.

I won’t hide behind these clothes that 

was placed on my back so that I 

can be safe, I am not afraid that the

 world might not understand me anymore,

I know you’re just like me 

                                                       - 730t


the most important thing i’ve learned over the years with my healing journey, is that i am not alone, my experience is not unique, my deepest darkest thoughts are shared with everyone around me, unspoken, we are all the same, we are all on a journey together, individually 


We are all always on a new journey, even after one has just ended.